Wednesday, September 9 6:30 p.m. for 24 hours.
PRAYER VIGIL - Unity Church Sanctuary (5237 S. Bryant Blvd.)and all places of prayer and meditation to prepare for the upcoming 11 Days of Global Peace.
Thursday, September 10 – WORLD DAY OF PRAYER11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
Ara Rahman speaking on We Are One Human Family 1st Christian Church (29 North Oakes). RSVP for $6.50 lunch at 653-4523 before 9-8-09.
6:30 p.m. – 8:00-
CHRISTIAN PRAYER SERVICE – 1st United Methodist Church Sanctuary (37 East Beauregard). Coordinator, Rev. Janie Kelley: 650-3741 or 651-6830.
Friday, September 11 9:30 a.m. to 10:30
9-11 MEMORIAL SERVICE – At the Memorial near the San Angelo Museum of Fine Arts (1 Love St.) Coordinator, Rev. Rodney White: 653-5006
7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. –
JEWISH SABBATH SERVICE – Congregation Beth Israel 1825 W. Beauregard) Coordinator, Ami Mizell-Flint: 374-8940 or 944-8102
8:45 p.m. -10:00
JEWISH SABBATH POTLUCK MEAL – St. Paul Presbyterian Church Fellowship Hall (11 North Park) Coordinator, Ami Mizell-Flint: 374-8940
or 944-8102
Sunday, September 13 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. -
ALL FAITH DAY – 1st Christian Church-Disciples of Christ
(29 N. Oakes) Coordinator, Deborah Michalewicz: 484-3365 or 656-4594
Each Faith will present activities, prayers for Peace, and information about faith.
Muslim – Coordinator, Ara Rahman: 949-4771 or 234-4669
Jewish – Coordinator, Ami Mizell-Flint: 374-8940 or 944-8102
Christian – Coordinator, Evelyn Hyman: 944-9292 and Deborah Michalewicz: 484-3365, 656-4594
Native American – Coordinator, Gabriel Rangel: 234-2733
Taoist – Coordinator, Steve Haidinger: 212-2558
Hindu- Coordinator, Shailu Joshi
Sunday, September 20
7:00 p.m. – 9:30 p.m.
MUSLIM PRAYER SERVICE and EID CELEBRATIONUnity Church Fellowship Hall (5237 S. Bryant Blvd.) Coordinator, Ara Rahman: 949-4771 or 234-4669. Potluck finger foods after the service.
Monday, September 21 – INTERNATIONAL DAY OF PEACECindy Jordan, Children for a Peaceful World, performing “100,000 children singing for peace” every hour on the hour around the world. FMI
6:30 p.m. – 8:00-
11 DAYS OF GLOBAL PEACE CLOSING CELEBRATIONCatholic Newman Center at ASU (2451 Dena Dr.) Coordinator, Becky Benes: 949-1450 or 234-1326
Community Service Project: Raise $12,000 during our 11 Days of Global Peace to support the education initiative in Afghanistan with the Central Asia Institute co-founded by Three Cups of Tea author Greg Mortenson. You can participate by contributing to our local Pennies for Peace Campaign ( ) and/or contribute private and corporate donations. FMI: contact Becky Benes 325-949-1450
FMI: or
Sponsored by Peace Ambassadors of West Texas in association with Citizens Against Violence of the Concho Valley, Inc.
We are Reaching In and Reaching Out. Our theme focuses on how each faith tradition Reaches In through prayer, meditation, contemplation and how each faith tradition Reaches Out into the community through service and justice. The 11 Days builds relationships and understanding through education by revealing our commonalities in prayer and service while respecting each tradition.