Sunday, October 11, 2009
11 Days of Global Peace Closing
The 2009 11 Days of Global Peace Closing Celebration at the ASU Catholic Newman Center seemed to be the crowning event as celebrants from six different faith traditions lit their own candles from the One Source Light while each said a prayer for peace. Then the candles of the many others gathered were lit from the diverse candles as Peace Ambassador Becky Benes observed no one candle was diminished while lighting the candle of another. The rest of the evening was filled with symbol, song, and a success story.
As their own Reaching Out project, the Peace Ambassadors launched the San Angelo Pennies for Peace campaign setting a goal of $12,000 - enough to build a school for girls and boys in Afghanistan. Becky announced that through the collection of pennies and dollars, the goal was exceeded! The beautiful Pennies for Peace collection cans, created by Friend of Peace Jennifer Shawker, Unikids, and Ft. Concho kids, are still out, and donations are still being accepted by the Peace Ambassadors.
Pictured left to right, front row - Samuel Green, Baha'i; Teresa Rylander, Taoist; Ara Rahman, Muslim Peace Ambassador; Rev. Janie Kelley, Christian Peace Ambassador; Rashda Khan, Muslim Peace Ambassador, and Shailu Joshi, Hindu. Back Row - Becky Benes, Christian Peace Ambassador and Deborah Michalewicz, 11 Days of Global Peace Coordinator. Not pictured - Ami Mizell-Flint, Jewish Peace Ambassador.
Grammy nominated Cynthia Jordan
Cynthia Jordan, Grammy-nominated singer/songwriter, also opened and closed the 11 Days of Global Peace for the Peace Ambassadors with many of her original creations, some of which were heard for the first time at the life-changing and San Angelo-changing Lady in Blue Celebration and are memorialized on Cynthia's LADY IN BLUE compact disc.
Listen to the Wise Ones - Larry M. Ward
Singer/Songwriter Larry M. Ward both opened and closed the 11 Days of Global Peace with his Listen to the Wise Ones. Lyrics are presented here with gracious and generous permission from Mr. Ward.
Martin shared his dream with us of Universal Love.
No prejudice, no violence . . . just guidance from above.
He believed we'd get there; he prayed we'd understand.
From on that mountain top, Martin saw our Promised Land.
Gandhi found his path to walk, a way to make a stand.
He fought against injustice, yet never raised a hand.
Dalai Lama lost his country, watched his people fight and die,
Yet he spreads the word of peace each moment of his life.
We must listen to the Wise Ones...we must listen with our hearts.
We must listen to the Wise Ones...their words can show us where to start.
They know the path of love; they'll guide us on our way.
We can build a brighter future, make the most of everyday
If we just listen to the Wise Ones.
Jesus brought a message of forgiveness for our hearts.
We can have a peaceful spirit if we only do our part.
For life is but a journey we must travel everyday.
Pease is not a place to's peace that is the way
Too many people see the world as it is
And in their desperation they ask why?
Instead we could be seeing all the possiblities.
We can let go of the past; we can set our spirits free.
Martin shared his dream with us of Universal Love.
No prejudice, no violence . . . just guidance from above.
He believed we'd get there; he prayed we'd understand.
From on that mountain top, Martin saw our Promised Land.
Gandhi found his path to walk, a way to make a stand.
He fought against injustice, yet never raised a hand.
Dalai Lama lost his country, watched his people fight and die,
Yet he spreads the word of peace each moment of his life.
We must listen to the Wise Ones...we must listen with our hearts.
We must listen to the Wise Ones...their words can show us where to start.
They know the path of love; they'll guide us on our way.
We can build a brighter future, make the most of everyday
If we just listen to the Wise Ones.
Jesus brought a message of forgiveness for our hearts.
We can have a peaceful spirit if we only do our part.
For life is but a journey we must travel everyday.
Pease is not a place to's peace that is the way
Too many people see the world as it is
And in their desperation they ask why?
Instead we could be seeing all the possiblities.
We can let go of the past; we can set our spirits free.
11 Days of Global Peace - Eid Celebration
11 Days of Global Peace - Islamic Eid Prayer Service
Peace Ambassador Ara Rahman and Dr. Fazlur Rahman assisted in leading the first-ever Islamic Eid Prayer Service in San Angelo, Texas. The grace, peace, and sensitivity of all gathered was a blessing beyond words as participants from three of the world's major faith traditions came together to celebrate as one.
11 Days of Global Peace - Eid Celebration
The room was filled with rainbows and joy as the Peace Ambassadors and guests gathered at Unity Church of Christianity to celebrate Islam's Eid followed by a delicious meal prepared by San Angelo Muslims from Turkey, Bangladesh, Egypt, and Pakistan. Pictured are Happy Rahman, daughter of Peace Ambassador Ara Rahman and Dr. Fazlur Rahman; Peace Ambassador Rashda Khan; Peace Ambassdor Becky Benes; Hannah Benes, and Deborah Michalewicz.
11 Days of Global Peace - All Faith Day Event
At the All Faith Day at First Christian Church, close to 75 interfaith people gathered in one closing prayer circle after all enjoyed traveling to seven different Faith Tradition Rooms to hear how each tradition Reaches In with prayer, meditation, and contemplation and Reaches Out in acts of community justice and service.
11 Days of Global Peace - Cowboy Breakfast Event
11 Days of Global Peace
coordinator Deborah Michalewicz spoke at the Cowboy Breakfast bringing awareness of Greg Mortenson's Three Cups of Tea to those gathered and encouraging folks to reach out with the Pennies for Peace campaign to build real schools in Afghanistan and Pakistan for girls and boys rather than allow just the male-only wahhabbi madrassas, schools of hate and suicide bombs, to monopolize the hungry region.
11 Days of Global Peace - Jewish Sabbath Meal
September 11th was also the date for the 11 Days of Global Peace Jewish Sabbath Meal hosted at St. Paul Presbyterian Church. Various Friends of Peace decorated each table differently to add to the beauty of the rainy evening after the Sabbath service at Congregation Beth Israel. A Kosher potluck was followed by Jewish song and prayer led by Peace Ambassador Ami Mizell-Flint.
11 Days of Global Peace - 9-11 Memorial Service
Saturday, September 12, 2009

Here is a link to the on-line version of the story.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
We Are One Human Family
Peace Ambassador Ara Rahman at 1st Christian Church in San Angelo, Texas
Peace Ambassador Ara Rahman delighted over 50 people with thoughts on life, peace, and God. As a Muslim woman living in San Angelo since 1975, Ara is open to inclusivity and called all gathered her loving brothers and sisters in the One God whom Muslims call by the Arabic name Allah. Working with a map of the world and her own charming style, Ara helped all present see how it is our duty and our constant goal to promote peace within and without. Ara fielded numerous questions from the audience and pointed out that only 20% of Muslims live in the Middle East (many of whom are poorly educated) while 80% of Muslims live in the rest of the world. Expressing peace, love, and affection, Ara received her standing ovation with grace and joy in the One Loving God.
Monday, September 7, 2009
11 Days of Global Peace Schedule
Wednesday, September 9 6:30 p.m. for 24 hours. PRAYER VIGIL - Unity Church Sanctuary (5237 S. Bryant Blvd.)and all places of prayer and meditation to prepare for the upcoming 11 Days of Global Peace.
Thursday, September 10 – WORLD DAY OF PRAYER
11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Ara Rahman speaking on We Are One Human Family 1st Christian Church (29 North Oakes). RSVP for $6.50 lunch at 653-4523 before 9-8-09.
6:30 p.m. – 8:00- CHRISTIAN PRAYER SERVICE – 1st United Methodist Church Sanctuary (37 East Beauregard). Coordinator, Rev. Janie Kelley: 650-3741 or 651-6830.
Friday, September 11 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 9-11 MEMORIAL SERVICE – At the Memorial near the San Angelo Museum of Fine Arts (1 Love St.) Coordinator, Rev. Rodney White: 653-5006
7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. – JEWISH SABBATH SERVICE – Congregation Beth Israel 1825 W. Beauregard) Coordinator, Ami Mizell-Flint: 374-8940 or 944-8102
8:45 p.m. -10:00 JEWISH SABBATH POTLUCK MEAL – St. Paul Presbyterian Church Fellowship Hall (11 North Park) Coordinator, Ami Mizell-Flint: 374-8940
or 944-8102
Sunday, September 13 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. - ALL FAITH DAY – 1st Christian Church-Disciples of Christ
(29 N. Oakes) Coordinator, Deborah Michalewicz: 484-3365 or 656-4594
Each Faith will present activities, prayers for Peace, and information about faith.
Muslim – Coordinator, Ara Rahman: 949-4771 or 234-4669
Jewish – Coordinator, Ami Mizell-Flint: 374-8940 or 944-8102
Christian – Coordinator, Evelyn Hyman: 944-9292 and Deborah Michalewicz: 484-3365, 656-4594
Native American – Coordinator, Gabriel Rangel: 234-2733
Taoist – Coordinator, Steve Haidinger: 212-2558
Hindu- Coordinator, Shailu Joshi
Sunday, September 20
Unity Church Fellowship Hall (5237 S. Bryant Blvd.) Coordinator, Ara Rahman: 949-4771 or 234-4669. Potluck finger foods after the service.
Cindy Jordan, Children for a Peaceful World, performing “100,000 children singing for peace” every hour on the hour around the world. FMI
Catholic Newman Center at ASU (2451 Dena Dr.) Coordinator, Becky Benes: 949-1450 or 234-1326
Community Service Project: Raise $12,000 during our 11 Days of Global Peace to support the education initiative in Afghanistan with the Central Asia Institute co-founded by Three Cups of Tea author Greg Mortenson. You can participate by contributing to our local Pennies for Peace Campaign ( ) and/or contribute private and corporate donations. FMI: contact Becky Benes 325-949-1450
FMI: or
Sponsored by Peace Ambassadors of West Texas in association with Citizens Against Violence of the Concho Valley, Inc.
We are Reaching In and Reaching Out. Our theme focuses on how each faith tradition Reaches In through prayer, meditation, contemplation and how each faith tradition Reaches Out into the community through service and justice. The 11 Days builds relationships and understanding through education by revealing our commonalities in prayer and service while respecting each tradition.
Thursday, September 10 – WORLD DAY OF PRAYER
11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Ara Rahman speaking on We Are One Human Family 1st Christian Church (29 North Oakes). RSVP for $6.50 lunch at 653-4523 before 9-8-09.
6:30 p.m. – 8:00- CHRISTIAN PRAYER SERVICE – 1st United Methodist Church Sanctuary (37 East Beauregard). Coordinator, Rev. Janie Kelley: 650-3741 or 651-6830.
Friday, September 11 9:30 a.m. to 10:30 9-11 MEMORIAL SERVICE – At the Memorial near the San Angelo Museum of Fine Arts (1 Love St.) Coordinator, Rev. Rodney White: 653-5006
7:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. – JEWISH SABBATH SERVICE – Congregation Beth Israel 1825 W. Beauregard) Coordinator, Ami Mizell-Flint: 374-8940 or 944-8102
8:45 p.m. -10:00 JEWISH SABBATH POTLUCK MEAL – St. Paul Presbyterian Church Fellowship Hall (11 North Park) Coordinator, Ami Mizell-Flint: 374-8940
or 944-8102
Sunday, September 13 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. - ALL FAITH DAY – 1st Christian Church-Disciples of Christ
(29 N. Oakes) Coordinator, Deborah Michalewicz: 484-3365 or 656-4594
Each Faith will present activities, prayers for Peace, and information about faith.
Muslim – Coordinator, Ara Rahman: 949-4771 or 234-4669
Jewish – Coordinator, Ami Mizell-Flint: 374-8940 or 944-8102
Christian – Coordinator, Evelyn Hyman: 944-9292 and Deborah Michalewicz: 484-3365, 656-4594
Native American – Coordinator, Gabriel Rangel: 234-2733
Taoist – Coordinator, Steve Haidinger: 212-2558
Hindu- Coordinator, Shailu Joshi
Sunday, September 20
Unity Church Fellowship Hall (5237 S. Bryant Blvd.) Coordinator, Ara Rahman: 949-4771 or 234-4669. Potluck finger foods after the service.
Cindy Jordan, Children for a Peaceful World, performing “100,000 children singing for peace” every hour on the hour around the world. FMI
Catholic Newman Center at ASU (2451 Dena Dr.) Coordinator, Becky Benes: 949-1450 or 234-1326
Community Service Project: Raise $12,000 during our 11 Days of Global Peace to support the education initiative in Afghanistan with the Central Asia Institute co-founded by Three Cups of Tea author Greg Mortenson. You can participate by contributing to our local Pennies for Peace Campaign ( ) and/or contribute private and corporate donations. FMI: contact Becky Benes 325-949-1450
FMI: or
Sponsored by Peace Ambassadors of West Texas in association with Citizens Against Violence of the Concho Valley, Inc.
We are Reaching In and Reaching Out. Our theme focuses on how each faith tradition Reaches In through prayer, meditation, contemplation and how each faith tradition Reaches Out into the community through service and justice. The 11 Days builds relationships and understanding through education by revealing our commonalities in prayer and service while respecting each tradition.
Wednesday, September 2, 2009
"Kosher" Recipes for Shabbat Dinner
Kosher recipes are not necessarily any special recipes; rather, they are recipes prepared according to the dietary laws in the Book of Leviticus.
While there are many laws that define the word Kosher, the main rules to keep in mind are:
*Do not mix milk and meat
*No pork products (pigs are not considered kosher animals)
*No shellfish or bottom-dwelling fish; i.e., shrimp or catfish (In order to be considered kosher, fish must have gills and scales.)
Following are several kosher "style" recipes that are common types of recipes Jews make for Shabbat Dinner:
1/4 pound asparagus
1 small sliced onion
1 garlic clove, minced
1/2 pound of wild or button mushrooms
3 TBS. olive oil
salt and pepper to taste
1 tsp. lemon juice
Clean chicken breasts and season with salt and pepper. In a large skillet, heat 1 TBS. olive oil over medium heat and saute chicken about 8 minutes each side, until juices run clear. Remove chicken and keep warm. Slice mushrooms and cut asparagus at an angle into 2-inch pieces. Heat remaining olive oil and saute onions and garlic until tender. Add asparagus and mushrooms and lemon juice and saute until asparagus is tender-crisp. Pour asparagus mixture over chicken to serve.
While there are many laws that define the word Kosher, the main rules to keep in mind are:
*Do not mix milk and meat
*No pork products (pigs are not considered kosher animals)
*No shellfish or bottom-dwelling fish; i.e., shrimp or catfish (In order to be considered kosher, fish must have gills and scales.)
Following are several kosher "style" recipes that are common types of recipes Jews make for Shabbat Dinner:
Chicken with Asparagus
4 skinless, boneless chicken breasts1/4 pound asparagus
1 small sliced onion
1 garlic clove, minced
1/2 pound of wild or button mushrooms
3 TBS. olive oil
salt and pepper to taste
1 tsp. lemon juice
Clean chicken breasts and season with salt and pepper. In a large skillet, heat 1 TBS. olive oil over medium heat and saute chicken about 8 minutes each side, until juices run clear. Remove chicken and keep warm. Slice mushrooms and cut asparagus at an angle into 2-inch pieces. Heat remaining olive oil and saute onions and garlic until tender. Add asparagus and mushrooms and lemon juice and saute until asparagus is tender-crisp. Pour asparagus mixture over chicken to serve.
Rice Pilaf
1/2 stick margarine
1/2 pound sliced mushrooms
1 8-oz. pkg fine noodles
2 cans chicken broth
1 cup uncooked rice
1/2 onion, chopped
Melt margarine and saute noodles until brown. Add mushrooms, onion, rice and 1 can chicken broth and 1 can water. Simmer, covered, until liquikd is almost gone or rice cooked. Add slt and pepper to taste. Put in a casserole sprayed with nonstick spray. Add remaining can chicken broth. Bake at 350 degrees for 30 minutes.
Jewish Beef Brisket
3 large garlic cloves, minced 2 large sliced onions
3/4 tsp. pepper 1 cup ketchup
1 tsp. paprika 1 tsp. onion powder
1 tsp. salt 1/2 cup water
3 lbs. bonesless brisket, trimmed of extra fat
Rub garlic into meat, then sprinkle on remaining spices. Let marinade about 30 minutes. Preheat oven to 325 degrees. Put brisket, fat side up, in a roasting pan with sliced onions on top. Pour ketchup on top of meat and onions. Add water to pan around the meat, not pouring over it. Cover tightly with heavy duty foil or double regular foil. Cook for 2 1/2 hours until tender. Slice meat against the grain. Remove any solidified fat from the gravy then return sliced meat inthe gravy and heat for a few minutes.
Peace Ambassadors Accept Proclamation from the City of San Angelo
Peace Ambassadors Rev. Janie Kelley, Becky Benes, and Ara Rahman received the official City of San Angelo Proclamation announcing 11 Days of Global Peace. Jon Mark Hogg, Mayor Pro-Tempore, encouraged each person in the community to Reach In through prayer and reflection and to Reach Out through justice and service to build an educated world that prays for peace and activates a community will for peace. "Reaching In / Reaching Out" is the theme of the 2009 11 Days of Global Peace. See the August 21st post for the schedule .
City of San Angelo Proclamation to Celebrate 11 Days of Global Peace
It's Official! On September 1st, Mayor Pro-Tempore Jon Mark Hogg of the City of San Angelo publically presented the following:
WHEREAS, Our world, our country, and even San Angelo, is torn by strife and fighting despite the goal of many towards peace and harmony; and
WHEREAS, The Peace Ambassadors of West Texas are working within an international plan to raise awareness for the real possibility of global peace by sponsoring 11 Days of Global Peace in San Angelo; and
WHEREAS, Beginning with the World Day of Prayer, September 10, and ending on the International Day of Peace, September 21, the Peace Ambassadors will facilitate a number of events arranged around Reaching In – through prayer, contemplation, and meditation – and Reaching Out – through justice and service; and
WHEREAS, Collaborative and relational Interfaith events of prayer and education will be held around the City bringing awareness of different faith traditions’ striving first to develop peace within and then to step out and encourage peace in San Angelo and the surrounding communities;
NOW, THEREFORE, I, Jon Mark Hogg, Mayor Pro-Tempore of the City of San Angelo, Texas, on behalf of the City Council, do hereby proclaim September 10 through September 21 as,
and encourage each person to Reach In through prayer and reflection and to Reach Out through justice and service to build an educated world that prays for peace and activates a community will for peace.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and caused the Seal of the City to be affixed this 1st day of September, 2009.
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Friday, August 21, 2009
Peace Camp 2009
Last year, The Unity Church of San Angelo and the Peace Ambassadors -- an interfaith volunteer organization -- sponsored an 11 Days of Peace Celebration in our community. I led the Pinwheels for Peace project where children created the pinwheels and wrote and drew their thoughts and feelings regarding “Peace” on the wings. I thought about something I'd read about on the Internet -- A Peace Camp, for all faiths, to share ideas, thoughts, and feelings with the children of San Angelo about Peace. When I mentioned this idea to the Peace Ambassadors, I was met with enthusiasm and pledges of support. We collaborated to organize Peace Camp 2009.
On July 8th, twenty-five children and eight volunteers gathered for fun and inspiration and gained a new kind of awareness about others. On the first day campers and leaders got to know each other with an icebreaker and cooperative games. We then gathered to create “Peace Agreements.” After a discussion of why we needed them, agreements were made and written out on a large piece of paper.
With guidance from adult leaders, the children made their own rules such as "Because it feels good when someone says something nice to us, we should catch each other doing something good" and "Because someone could get hurt if we argue and fight, we will share." The campers and leaders decorated and signed our agreements with flair. Every day, these agreements were shared to remind everyone of them. Its easier to work together when we know what to expect from each other!
Campers tried a meditation exercise with volunteer leader Becky Benes of Oneness of Life Productions. After decorating Prayer Rocks, children giggled as they placed the rocks on their abdomens while in a supine position. When breathing deeply from the diaphragm, the rocks went up and down. After a few tries, everyone was breathing deeply. Our day ended with Peace Songs from musician Cindy Jordan. Children and adults alike sang along to the the upbeat peace song, “We can Have it All.”
Our second day was exciting! Divided into small groups the children rotated through different faith stations, where religions from around the world were explored. This activity was inspired by the 11 Days of Global Unity Curriculum. Each station had creative experience for each faith represented: Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism and Native American spirituality. Individuals who practiced that particular faith were at three of the stations. Ami Mizell-Flint –a Jewish Peace Ambassador – helped children made a large, banner-sized Western Wall, complete with folded and attached Post-it notes. Ara Rahman, a Muslim Peace Ambassador, helped the children weave prayer mats at the station representing Islam. The volunteers brought beautiful devotional items from home, such as prayer beads or head gear to share with the children. Children and adults alike found these items fascinating. “Just look at everyone!” stated volunteer leader Becky Benes, “This is great!”
The last day was full of more stations. One station was devoted to learning a fun way to cope with bullying inspired by a pilot 4H curriculum. Children played a game called "Anger Says" played much like "Simon Says." By imitating the motions people make when they feel anger, such as stomping feet or pointing fingers, participants learned our bodies feel different when we are angry. When I said Anger says “Tell me how you feel.” some of the children said, “Mad!” or “Sad” and one child looked up at me, smiled and said “WEIRD!” We then played “Keep it Cool Says” and explored how our body feels when we do things like take a deep breath, bend our knees, or smile. All who played agreed keeping it cool felt much better.
Our big ending project was lead by Rashda Khan of the Tom Green County Texas Agrilife Extension office. After a silly “Sniff Test” and a talk about hand washing, little hands were washed, and “Peace Pizza” was made at each station. The groups of six children each worked cooperatively with the assistance and guidance of a leader to create a pizza that would be enjoyed by all. Topics such as food allergies, nutritional value, likes and dislikes, cultural taboos, and preferences were explored as groups made their pizzas. Each pizza was a unique creation.
In the three days of Peace Camp, we had fun, learned about each other, and found skills to use throughout our lives. Peace Ambassador Ara Rahman summed our experience up beautifully, “ For me, Peace Camp was an answer to prayer. There nothing more important, no higher calling, than to teach children about Peace.” Plans are already underway for Peace Camp 2010.
On July 8th, twenty-five children and eight volunteers gathered for fun and inspiration and gained a new kind of awareness about others. On the first day campers and leaders got to know each other with an icebreaker and cooperative games. We then gathered to create “Peace Agreements.” After a discussion of why we needed them, agreements were made and written out on a large piece of paper.
With guidance from adult leaders, the children made their own rules such as "Because it feels good when someone says something nice to us, we should catch each other doing something good" and "Because someone could get hurt if we argue and fight, we will share." The campers and leaders decorated and signed our agreements with flair. Every day, these agreements were shared to remind everyone of them. Its easier to work together when we know what to expect from each other!
Campers tried a meditation exercise with volunteer leader Becky Benes of Oneness of Life Productions. After decorating Prayer Rocks, children giggled as they placed the rocks on their abdomens while in a supine position. When breathing deeply from the diaphragm, the rocks went up and down. After a few tries, everyone was breathing deeply. Our day ended with Peace Songs from musician Cindy Jordan. Children and adults alike sang along to the the upbeat peace song, “We can Have it All.”
Our second day was exciting! Divided into small groups the children rotated through different faith stations, where religions from around the world were explored. This activity was inspired by the 11 Days of Global Unity Curriculum. Each station had creative experience for each faith represented: Islam, Judaism, Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism and Native American spirituality. Individuals who practiced that particular faith were at three of the stations. Ami Mizell-Flint –a Jewish Peace Ambassador – helped children made a large, banner-sized Western Wall, complete with folded and attached Post-it notes. Ara Rahman, a Muslim Peace Ambassador, helped the children weave prayer mats at the station representing Islam. The volunteers brought beautiful devotional items from home, such as prayer beads or head gear to share with the children. Children and adults alike found these items fascinating. “Just look at everyone!” stated volunteer leader Becky Benes, “This is great!”
The last day was full of more stations. One station was devoted to learning a fun way to cope with bullying inspired by a pilot 4H curriculum. Children played a game called "Anger Says" played much like "Simon Says." By imitating the motions people make when they feel anger, such as stomping feet or pointing fingers, participants learned our bodies feel different when we are angry. When I said Anger says “Tell me how you feel.” some of the children said, “Mad!” or “Sad” and one child looked up at me, smiled and said “WEIRD!” We then played “Keep it Cool Says” and explored how our body feels when we do things like take a deep breath, bend our knees, or smile. All who played agreed keeping it cool felt much better.
Our big ending project was lead by Rashda Khan of the Tom Green County Texas Agrilife Extension office. After a silly “Sniff Test” and a talk about hand washing, little hands were washed, and “Peace Pizza” was made at each station. The groups of six children each worked cooperatively with the assistance and guidance of a leader to create a pizza that would be enjoyed by all. Topics such as food allergies, nutritional value, likes and dislikes, cultural taboos, and preferences were explored as groups made their pizzas. Each pizza was a unique creation.
In the three days of Peace Camp, we had fun, learned about each other, and found skills to use throughout our lives. Peace Ambassador Ara Rahman summed our experience up beautifully, “ For me, Peace Camp was an answer to prayer. There nothing more important, no higher calling, than to teach children about Peace.” Plans are already underway for Peace Camp 2010.
Pennies for Peace
11 Days of Global Peace is not only about bringing awareness of the real possibility for peace, but also for reaching out with positive ways to promote peace. One way we can all help is to get a copy of Three Cups of Tea by Greg Mortenson and read it. It is an eye-opening, short read about how one regular American guy is helping change nations with the Pennies for Peace campaign, i.e. he collects pennies and builds whole schools in Afghanistan and Pakistan to educate boys and girls. These children see and appreciate the many alternatives to terrorism, suicide bombs, and death squads found in education, respect, and understanding.
During 11 Days of Global Peace the Peace Ambassadors will start our local Pennies for Peace campaign. The goal is to raise $12,000 to build a school in Afghanistan. See the planned events in the following blog and come back for updates!
During 11 Days of Global Peace the Peace Ambassadors will start our local Pennies for Peace campaign. The goal is to raise $12,000 to build a school in Afghanistan. See the planned events in the following blog and come back for updates!
11 Days of Peace is almost here!
Our group has been very busy preparing for this year's "11 Days of Global Peace" Celebration. We are blessed to have grown throughout this past year~ Our Tuesday morning book study, The Faith Club, has continued, bringing many wonderful discussions to the table at St. Paul Presbyterian Church.
We have also been blessed to add many new friends to the Peace Ambassadors, through The Faith Club, Peace Camp, and other activities throughout the year.
Thanks to the support of our friends, families, Bishop Michael Pfeiffer, and Citizens Against Violence of the Concho Valley, Inc., our 2nd annual 11 Days of Global Peace Celebration will be even bigger and better than last year!
We have also been blessed to add many new friends to the Peace Ambassadors, through The Faith Club, Peace Camp, and other activities throughout the year.
Thanks to the support of our friends, families, Bishop Michael Pfeiffer, and Citizens Against Violence of the Concho Valley, Inc., our 2nd annual 11 Days of Global Peace Celebration will be even bigger and better than last year!
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